Traditional Chinese medicine has been in practice for several hundred years and consists of numerous techniques such as tai chi, moxibustion, tui na, Chinese cupping, and acupuncture. Acupuncture has gained popularity in the recent past amongst the general population and is commonly practiced now. Acupuncture has several health benefits such as relaxes the body, relieves the body of any stress, and most importantly assists in fertility.

Moxibustion and Tui Na

The Science Behind Infertility

There is a fine balance amongst the hypothalamus, pituitary, and glands of the reproductive tract, stress can be a potent factor prohibiting the women from ovulating. This can result in female infertility. Stress also causes spasmodic contraction of the musculature in the fallopian tubes and the uterus, resulting in altered movement and implantation of the zygote. In the case of men, stress disturbs the sperm count, hinders motility, and ultimately results in impotence. Acupuncture infertility treatment procedures act as a barrier against the negative effects of stress and cortisol by secreting endorphins within the brain tissue. Herbal impotence medication can also be used by men to reduce stress.

Infertility is not the direct result of the effect of cortisol acting upon the hormonal balance. The commonest etiological agent for infertility is from disorders affecting ovulation, the mature egg is not released owing to the hormonal disequilibrium. Inadequate progesterone results in the inability of the fetus to get embedded in the uterus. Increased levels of prolactin which is responsible for breast milk production also adversely affects ovulation.
Fertility drugs for women can result in a success rate of 20 to 60 percent but are associated with adverse effects in the form of abdominal tenders and bloating fluid collection, increase in weight, and nausea. Certain studies have confirmed the occurrence of breast cancer following such drug use.